The Light of Compassion: The Teachings of Sri Amit Ray

In the realm of spiritual enlightenment and compassion, the words of Sri Amit Ray resonate deeply, offering guidance and illumination to those who seek inner peace and understanding. Among his many teachings, one particular quote stands out like a beacon of light:

“The light of compassion opens the petals of the heart. When the petals of the heart unfold, fragrance spreads across the valley.” – Sri Amit Ray

In these words lies a profound truth about the transformative power of compassion and its ability to uplift the human spirit. Let us embark on a journey to explore the significance of this quote and how it can enrich your life in myriad ways.

What is Compassion and Why is it Important?

Compassion is more than just a fleeting feeling of sympathy or empathy towards others; it is a deep-rooted sense of connection and understanding that transcends boundaries of self-interest. It is …

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Science of Yoga Six Powerful Inspirations

Science of yoga is not just about philosophy. It is all about how yoga can change your health and mental well-being, which is measurable, observable and quantifiable. Yoga is a systematic way to attain perfection, through physical and mental exercises.

Yoga has been noted to reduce anxiety and depression.  Scientific studies have also shown that yoga can improve several conditions including psychological and pain syndromes, musculoskeletal and neurological disorders and autoimmune and immune syndromes.

Volumes have been written on the healing properties of yoga. Although very little research has been conducted on potential underlying mechanisms for the effects of yoga, it appears yoga stimulates pressure receptors under the skin which, in turn, leads to enhanced vagal activity and reduced cortisol.

Scientist observed that yoga exercises gives superior parietal cortex, involved in directing attention, and the visual cortex.

1. Yoga Improves Immunity Function

There are numerous scientific studies that show that …

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